NPS® Calculator – Calculate Your Net Promoter Score℠

Your Net Promoter Score can help predict business growth and give you benchmarks for improvement. Input responses from your NPS survey into the NPS calculator to calculate your Net Promoter Score.

Net Promoter Score is a powerful measurement of customer satisfaction. This score has been shown to correlate with revenue growth, and can help you make predictions about the future of your business.

To calculate your NPS score, you’ll first need to collect responses. Your NPS score is based on responses to a simple question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend our organization to a friend or colleague?” Tally up your responses. Then, you can use the NPS calculator below to calculate your Net Promoter Score.

Promoters (score 9-10) are your most loyal customers that love you and are more likely to turn more customers into Promoters.

Passives (score 7-8) are your satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to leaving for another competitive brand.

Detractors (score 0-6) are your unhappy customers who can damage your brand and growth through negative word-of-mouth.

Calculate Your NPS

The NPS calculator will calculate your NPS score as an average. It automatically calculates your percent of detractors and percent of promoters, then subtracts the percent of detractors from promoters. This score can be anywhere between -100 to 100. To use the calculator, simply input the responses you tallied. Even though the percent of passives is not included in the score, it is still important to tally these, since it impacts the total number of responses you collected, and therefore affects the percentages calculated.

Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

Additional Ways to Calculate Your NPS

The NPS calculator automatically calculates and averages the percent of detractors and promoters from your NPS survey. However, you can also do this calculation yourself, if you prefer.

Number of promoters (9-10)Number of detractors (0-6)

Number of responses

x 100

What Does Your NPS Score Mean?

Once you have your NPS score, you probably have some questions; is your score good? What is the threshold for a “good” score? How do you know?

A “good” score is somewhat relative. If your score is negative, it means that you have more detractors than promoters, and this is generally not a good score. Any positive score means you have more promoters than detractors, and this is generally a good score. However, if your NPS score is 10, but most competitors in your industry have scores of 20 or higher, your NPS score isn’t competitive. By contrast, if your score is -10, but most competitors have scores of -20 or lower, this is a relatively good score.

What your NPS score means is ultimately dependent on what specific question you’re asking, or what problem you want to solve. To answer some of these questions, you’ll need to ask your customers follow-up questions. Your NPS score will give you a starting point, helping you know what specific questions to ask. Consider the following:

More detractors than promoters (a negative NPS score)

Your customers are not happy. What problem are they encountering, and how can you fix it?

More near-neutral score (an NPS score close to 0, or mostly passive responses)

You’re mostly meeting your customers’ expectations, but you’re not cultivating any customer loyalty. How can you make an impression on your customers? What could you do or add that they would really enjoy?

More promoters, barely (a low positive NPS score)

You’re meeting your customers’ expectations, and some customers are happy, but this balance might not last if you don’t keep improving. Ask your customers what they want, ask detractors what problems they have, and pinpoint the most valuable improvements.

Ask your customers follow-up questions to get more out of your NPS score

Create a customized feedback form and collect text, images and video feedback all in one place.

How to Use Your NPS Score

Once you have your NPS score, you may be wondering how to use it to the greatest effect. When you calculate your NPS score, you have an overall estimation of customer sentiment towards your business. This can help you decide what to do next.

Compare year over year

Your NPS score is a single number that’s easy to use as a benchmark, and compare year over year to see your progress.

Ask follow-up questions

You now know if your customers are generally happy, unhappy, or apathetic. Ask follow-up questions to learn more, so you can decide how to improve.

Make changes

Your NPS score isn’t very useful unless you’re prepared to make changes to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. See where you can make the most effective changes first, or start small and work your way up to bigger changes.

Communicate your changes

Let your customers know that you’ve been listening, and that you’ve made changes to improve their experience. This is an important part of closing the feedback loop.

Set goals

You’re not going to turn all of your customers into promoters, and you’re not going to make notable differences overnight. Set realistic, but challenging goals using your NPS score as a benchmark.

Is My NPS Score Accurate?

If you’ve calculated your NPS score and you feel like it’s strangely high or low, consider the NPS survey that you used (of course, first double-check your numbers in the NPS calculator!). Some things can move your NPS score positive or negative, depending on who you survey and how.

Incentivize carefully

It’s common for businesses to offer discounts or other incentives when consumers answer a survey. However, this can skew responses to be overly positive.

Number of responses

If you have less than 30 responses, this isn’t going to yield statistically accurate results. Wait a while, and try again.

Survey type

Are you sending emails to loyal customers on your mailing list? Your responses are more likely to be positive. Or, are you asking only customers who have made customer service requests (usually, because they had difficulty or a problem)? Your responses are more likely to be negative. Carefully consider who you are asking and how.

Why use Boast for your NPS surveys?


Easy for customers

Boast offers an awesome customer experience, helping you collect more feedback. From the initial request to responding to your NPS survey, Boast removes obstacles for customers that prevent them from responding.


Integrate with existing processes

Integrate Boast with your existing tools to make NPS surveys part of your business process. Then set requests on auto-pilot with Sequences.


Robust reporting

From identifying your best customers and those at risk of churning to tracking NPS over time on a customer level or across your organization, our robust reports help you gain actionable insights to improve your business.


A single customer feedback platform

Boast is an all-in-one solution for sending NPS surveys, managing responses, and analyzing reports, but we also offer robust customer surveys, video testimonials, and more.

Implement NPS with Boast today