Behind-the-Scenes video or BTS video is a great way to give your customers and fans an inside look at your business, products, services, and more. There are many ways to conduct BTS videos. If you’ve found success with behind-the-scenes videos before, but you’ve run out of ideas, try these behind-the-scenes video ideas your fans will love.

Does Behind-the-Scenes Video Work?

Behind-the-Scenes videos have been popular for movies, shows, bands, and other types of entertainment for decades. Recently, businesses have also used BTS videos to bring customers closer to their brand. These videos can give your customers, followers, or audience in general an inside look at your business, and give them information they might not have known before. These videos might be entertaining, informative, heart-warming, or something else. There are many options to choose from, depending on what you’re trying to achieve with your footage.

Before we discuss our behind-the-scenes video ideas your fans will love, let’s take a look at a few reasons to create BTS videos. If you haven’t tried these types of videos before, now is a great time to start. Here are a few things you might accomplish with BTS videos:

  • Endearment: Behind-the-scenes videos can show a side of your business or organization that you might not normally get to show. This might include some heartfelt emotion or sincerity that can endear your audience to you.
  • Loyalty: BTS videos might show secrets or a rarely-seen side of your business that only select people get to see. This can make your audience feel special, show that you appreciate them, and establish some loyalty with them.
  • Memory: The right video can establish your organization or brand in your customer’s mind. The next time they’re thinking of making a purchase, they’ll be more likely to think about you.
  • Information: While advertisements and obvious marketing messages are likely to be ignored, your audience may pay more attention to a video with more sincerity and less orchestration. This can be a good time to show them information about you and your business.
  • Culture: It can be difficult to show your company culture or values in an advertisement. However, behind-the-scenes videos with your employees, customers, or other stakeholders can show what your company cares about and what’s important to you.

From bands and movie directors to retail products businesses to B2B businesses and more, behind-the-scenes video can be an effective way to engage your audience. Let’s take a look at a few creative behind-the-scenes video ideas you can try.

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11 Behind-the-Scenes Video Ideas Your Fans Will Love

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1. Interviews

Unscripted interviews can be a great way to show your audience who is behind your company or organization. This might include interviews with a high-performing employee, a creative director, even the CEO. Multiple interviews with different people can give your audience an inside look at different aspects of your company, and show them what it’s like to work there. This will help show how your company works, and it can help you recruit great talent when others see that your company is a great place to work.

2. Unboxing

If you’ve got new products, branded merchandise, or even new machines that you’re excited to use, this can be a great opportunity for an unboxing video. Show off your new products or equipment, show how they work or what they do, and explain why you’re excited about these new arrivals.

3. Set-Up

Whether you’re setting up a new product showcase, setting up your kiosk for a big event, or even setting up a machine to create a new product, this is a great opportunity for behind-the-scenes footage. Show your audience how you create great displays, events, products, and more.

4. Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. They can also be funny, informative, and relatable. These are all great attributes of your brand, if you can showcase your mistakes with humility. Maybe it’s a product or label misprint that won’t see retail shelves, a less-than-great artistic or design choice, or even an embarrassing moment in the office. As long as no one gets hurt and the mistake is appropriate for your brand’s voice and character, consider making it a BTS reel.

5. Bloopers

There’s a lot of overlap between mistakes and bloopers. However, you might encounter bloopers as you’re trying to film other marketing videos, like commercials or rehearsed social media clips. These, like other mistakes, can be entertaining and relatable, and shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously.

6. Preparation

How do you prepare for your day? Or for a special event? Or for a new product launch? Preparation might include anything from cleaning to artwork to makeup and much more. These types of behind-the-scenes videos not only show how much work and dedication you put into your activities, but also gives your audience a closer look into how your business works.

7. The Creative Process


Maybe you’re working on a new product, advertisement, or you’re getting ready to offer a new service. A behind-the-scenes look at this creative process can be a great way to drum up anticipation and excitement for this new offering. Consider adding some mystery and inviting some speculation by showing some creative work without explicitly stating what you’re creating.

8. On-the-Job

How do you do your job? What does it entail? Likely, you have special skills, tricks, and hacks that you’ve acquired to make your job easier, simpler, faster, or more effective. People outside your industry probably don’t know what it takes to complete your job, and giving them a glimpse can show your expertise, authority, knowledge, and special skills.

9. How It’s Made

With over 400 episodes, the popular TV show “How It’s Made” offered audiences a behind-the-scenes look at how hundreds of different products were created. Though the products were often ordinary, the process was often detailed and surprisingly impressive. Use your BTS video to give your audience a closer look into how your products are made. Though these products and this process might seem ordinary to you, your audience might be more impressed than you might expect.

10. Unexpected Moments

The job doesn’t always go as planned. When something odd or unexpected happens, capture it on video. Maybe your audience will be shocked, surprised, amused, or maybe they’ll learn something.

11. Decoding and Explaining

Do you have special knowledge that most people don’t? Do you understand certain symbols, terminology, or processes that most people wouldn’t? This information can be fascinating, and give your audience some special professionals-only knowledge.

These videos can be great to share with your social media followers, email list, or even your previous clients and customers. You might even turn these into marketing videos by offering a discount code or other promotion after the video. These videos will be most effective if they’re short and sweet, and if you involve multiple people throughout your organization. To make video creation, collection, and collaboration easy and efficient, start your free trial of Boast today.

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