online reviews

Build trust and boost your reputation with online reviews

85% of consumers read up to 10 reviews before feeling they can trust a business. Boast helps you request and collect online reviews to grow your business.

Why you need online reviews

Customers who have a bad experience are 2-3 times more likely to write an angry review than customers who had a great experience are to post a positive review. If you don’t ask your best customers to leave a review, you’ll end up with negative reviews that don’t reflect how the majority of your customers feel about your business.

Benefits of online reviews

Establish trust

Online reviews prove to prospects that you can deliver on your promises. Online reviews leverage social proof to establish trust and give prospects the confidence they need to do business with you.

Increase visibility

Search engines like Google use online reviews as a ranking signal, meaning the quantity and quality of your online reviews directly affects where you show up in search results.

Improve your business

While positive reviews are always preferred, negative reviews can provide opportunities to learn and improve. How you respond to negative reviews can also show prospects that they can trust you should something go wrong.

What is online review software?

Online review software helps businesses request and collect reviews on websites like Google, Facebook, and Yelp. When evaluating online review software, consider how it will integrate with your existing tools and processes. The best options include some level of automation to save you time, not create more work for you.

Why you need online review software

Building a raving collection of online reviews isn’t easy. If you aren’t proactively requesting reviews from your customers, you’ll likely have a disproportionate number of negative reviews from unhappy customers. This is because unhappy customers are far more likely to leave a review than their happy counterparts.

To get those 5-star reviews that actually reflect how the majority of your customers feel, you need to ask them to leave a review, and you may need to follow up a couple of times to actually get them to act. Even then, only a small percentage probably will.

Online review software simplifies the process of building your online review presence by automating your review requests and follow ups, so you can focus on running your business.

Key benefits of online review software

Awesome customer experience

Make the experience of receiving a request and submitting an online review simple, quick and easy for your customers.

Online review automation

Take the manual work and human error out of requesting online reviews. Put requests on autopilot so you can focus on running your business.

Integrate with existing tools

Take your automation to the next level by integrating with existing tools and processes to collect even more praise.

A single tool for multiple review platforms

Automate requests for reviews across all platforms relevant to your business – like Google, Facebook, and Yelp – all from a single tool.

Know how your customers feel

Add an extra level of protection against negative reviews with customer surveys. Understand how customers feel and address any concerns before requesting a review.

Actionable reporting

Leverage built-in reporting tools for making sense of the data and identifying trends that have an impact on your bottom line.

Online review video editing

Edit, rearrange, trim, and delete clips from the online review videos you collect, all within the Boast app.

Online review video automations

Add custom intro and outro videos, title slides, background music, and more to transform your customer review content, then easily automate to all subsequent videos.

Start building your collection of raving online reviews today